

Presentations for students consist of the following:

1. Relationship Building- Children are taught 3 proactive statements that deal with conflicts and bullying.
Statements #1 and#2 deal with non-bullying conflicts. They are solution-based and they offer a friendship of mutual respect.
Statement #3 deals with bullying. It is a friendly statement that doesn't relinquish any power to the person who is bullying.

2. Self-Empowerment- You decide whether there is a power imbalance between you and the person who is bullying.
You decide whether to respect bullying statements.
You decide the topic of conversation when bullying statements are being communicated.

3. Safety- Children are taught how to find a balance between self-solving and seeking adult assistance when dealing with conflicts.

4. Skits- are used to teach how to use the three statements and how children can empower themselves.

5. Story- a fully-illustrated screen-projected story is read to reinforce the skits.

Length of Presentation- 45 minutes

Cost- $300 for 1, $500 for 2

Recommended audience size per presentation- 100-150 students


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